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Code of Conduct

MAICON is a safe, positive space for attendees, speakers, sponsors and other guests


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Code of Conduct (About)-1

The MAICON Code of Conduct

MAICON represents a critical opportunity to explore the next frontier in digital marketing transformation. It is an environment intended for discussion, learning, and problem-solving.

As such, we’ve designed MAICON to be a safe, positive space for attendees, speakers, sponsors, staff, volunteers and other guests.

We expect all conference participants to abide by this code of conduct during the conference and at all conference-related events. Together, we can create the ideal environment to discover the present and future potential of artificial intelligence.


MAICON Is a No Harassment Environment 

MAICON does not tolerate harassment of any kind.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive remarks about an individual’s gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any legally protected characteristic; unwanted sexual advances; repeated sexual jokes, flirtations, advances, or propositions; touching; obscene comments or gestures; intentional intimidation, threats or other types of abusive behavior (“bullying”).

MAICON Code of Conduct

MAICON General Rules

To create a positive and safe environment, we ask everyone in attendance at MAICON to abide by the following rules and standards. Below is a non-inclusive list of unacceptable behavior:

  • Theft of property belonging to others.
  • Use, possession, sale, or distribution of controlled substances on-premise.
  • Disorderly conduct, including, but not limited to, the use of foul, obscene, abusive, disrespectful, demeaning, or berating language.
  • Deliberately or negligently damaging property, tools, or equipment that belongs to others.
  • Disregarding safety or venue rules.
  • Possessing dangerous weapons, including but not limited to firearms.
  • Use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), except in designated smoking areas.
  • Plagiarism, copyright violations, and any other form of illegal activities

The MAICON staff reserves the right to make final decisions regarding inappropriate behavior and the consequences following, up to and including removal from MAICON with no refund.

MAICON Code of Conduct

What to Do if You Need Help

If there is an immediate danger, call 911.

If you or someone else is uncomfortable, experiencing harassment, or something just isn’t right, find a MAICON staff member immediately. We will address your concerns appropriately and will assist in contacting security or law enforcement as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email one of the contacts below, and we’ll respond promptly:

Tracy Lewis, Event Director

Kelley Whetsell, Event Operations Manager

MAICON Code of Conduct

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It's time to start using and scaling artificial intelligence in your marketing.