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This Company Uses Artificial Intelligence to Improve Content for Facebook, IBM and Nestle

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Artificial intelligence platform Acrolinx (@Acrolinx) employs machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to improve the content of some of the world’s biggest brands. Using Acrolinx, companies like Facebook, IBM, Nestle and Boeing make their content better
artificial intelligence in marketing Acrolinxusing AI-powered scoring and recommendations. Acrolinx also keeps tabs on how compliant content is with a company’s brand and standards.

The result? Enterprise-level content marketing that works, thanks to AI. We spoke with Dr. Andrew Bredenkamp (@abredenkamp), Acrolinx founder and CEO, to learn how the company does it.

In a single sentence or statement, describe Acrolinx.

Acrolinx is an AI platform that uses a unique linguistic analytics engine to “read” all your content and provide immediate guidance to improve it. Our technology is transforming how the world’s biggest brands create high-performing content.

How does Acrolinx use artificial intelligence (i.e. machine learning, natural language generation, natural language processing, deep learning, etc.)?

Acrolinx uses a variety of techniques in its multilingual natural language processing (NLP) engine, including machine learning and knowledge-based approaches to ensure the best combination of scalability and precision, which our customers demand.

What do you see as the limitations of artificial intelligence as it exists today?

There is sometimes an over-dependency on machine learning and big data approaches. These techniques are wonderful for many problems, including collecting insights from the market. But they can't solve everything: brands often demand more control over their content, and want to guide the conversation with the market in a certain direction. They also want to not just follow what's happened before, but also be different and get attention by standing out. Big data applications are good at following the crowd, not so good at striking a new path.

What do you see as the future potential of artificial intelligence in marketing and sales?

Acrolinx is addressing one of the most neglected areas of application for AI in marketing and sales: content creation. Too often AI is used to measure content effectiveness after publishing, when it's actually too late, rather than getting involved in the complex process of how content gets written.

What makes Acrolinx different than competing or traditional solutions?

Acrolinx has a unique track record of over a decade using sophisticated linguistic AI to help some of the largest brands in the world create more effective content. We have proven our ability to not just provide accurate predictive analytics on content success, but also to provide guidance to content contributors on how to keep their content on-brand and on-target.

Our AI can learn your brand and audience goals and make sure your content is aligned with them. One other significant operational difference is that Acrolinx offers integrations into every major content creation environment, from Office tools (Word, etc.) to web-publishing platforms like Adobe Experience Manager and WordPress, as well as browser-based applications and tools.

Who are your prototype customers in terms of company size and industries?

Our typical customers are large B2B brands like IBM, Microsoft, Boeing and Caterpillar. But we have many customers in B2C, too: Facebook, Wells Fargo, Nestle and others. Most, but not all, of our customers are $500 million or more in size. Industries include tech, engineering, financial services, healthcare, and aerospace and defence.

What are the primary use cases of Acrolinx for marketers and sales professionals?

We support complex content creation ecosystems with guidance for the content contributors and governance for the organization. We also provide support beyond sales and marketing into a more holistic view of the customer experience, which is largely fueled by content.

Any other thoughts on AI in marketing, or advice for marketers who are just starting to explore the possibilities of AI?

Focus on your needs, and where AI can help, rather than technology for its own sake. 

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