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Taking Data on a (Customer) Journey

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Editor's Note: This content is sponsored by Marketing AI Institute partner AiAdvertising.

A sales funnel is one of the most helpful marketing concepts, turning the abstract customer journey into a concrete, highly digestible visual. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most misleading.

The depicted stages vary, but most representations of the funnel feature colorful tiers that steadily taper down from awareness to conversion. It seems like a simple, step-by-step process, but the customer journey is rarely straightforward. 

In reality, the process is probably closer to a tangled thread than a funnel, meandering and doubling back on itself. Anyone who’s ever shopped for something online will understand. After all, how many of us have been fully prepared to hit “checkout,” only to think twice and spend several more days doing research? 

Due to this potential complexity, many companies only have a vague understanding of what led someone to make a purchase on their site. Opportunities to foster repeat business and develop new strategies consequently go untapped. At AiAd, we give clients the tools they need to track customers throughout the entire buying process and leverage the insights those customers provide. 

A major feature of our innovative platform is automated data aggregation, compiling customer and CRM data from hundreds of relevant sources. This information is tagged, cleaned, and organized into a single view, mapping out the customer journey in an actionable way.

For example, if a large portion of conversions originate from a particular social media site, increasing advertising efforts on that site could lead to a higher ROI. 

Next, these data points are used to build personas: audience segments unified by specific motivators, preferences, and pain-points. By designing personalized ad content for each persona, your campaigns will be more effective at reaching users that fall within a similar category. In other words, the key to expanding your customer base can be derived from deeply understanding your existing customers.  

The Ai Ad Platform allows clients to take control of the customer journey and transform it into a fully optimized, self-sustaining mechanism.

The result is a win-win for everyone involved, leading to increased engagement and revenue while providing customers with a higher-quality user experience.

Click below to start your own journey with AI-powered marketing today. 

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