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Welcome to Marketing AI Institute


We make AI approachable and actionable for marketers and business leaders.

Welcome to Marketing AI Institute! We make AI approachable and actionable for marketers and business leaders. 

(And have been since 2016...)

We have hundreds of resources to help you build a competitive advantage with AI.

To get the most value out of everything we offer, we suggest taking these steps:

1. Sign up for our free Intro to AI class.

Learn the fundamentals of AI in just 30 minutes by signing up for our free Intro to AI online class taught by our CEO and founder Paul Roetzer

2. Listen to the podcast.

Get the industry's best breakdown of the most important AI news each week by listening to the latest episode of The Marketing AI Show.

3. Subscribe to the newsletter.

Go deeper on key topics in AI each week by subscribing to The Marketing AI Newsletter.

4. Join the community.

Learn from 4,000+ business leaders by joining our Slack community, where experts share knowledge, case studies, and advice daily.

5. Go deeper on AI for your role or industry.

We have a wealth of resources for many types of marketing and industries. Check out our webinars and AI blueprints to find resources tailored to your specific needs.

We're so glad you're here!