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How to Personalize Email with AI

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Our customers’ inboxes are flooded with hundreds of messages each day. How do we cut through the noise?

We have those same overflowing inboxes from brands and businesses as well. When we investigate our own email habits, we see that the emails that get read, and the newsletters you don’t unsubscribe from, all have one thing in common: relatable and relevant messaging.

So why aren’t we taking this approach without own valuable customers?

AI-powered email marketing tools are being deployed today by brands to:

  • Write email subject lines.
  • Write portions of emails.
  • Send personalized emails to each prospect.
  • Optimize send times.
  • Clean up email lists.
  • Automatically create email newsletters with unprecedented personalization.

For example, Radio host Matt Moscona, host of Morning Scone on ESPN Radio, provides the latest in sports and to bring his loyal followers a completely customized newsletter every morning.

Fidelity Bank, uses their smart newsletter to help educate local female entrepreneurs in order to support the growth of their businesses.

The common thread? They’re both using rasa.io’s AI-powered, personalized email technology, which automates email sends and learns from unique customer actions for each subsequent send.

AI in Action rasa.io

In a February 2022 AI in Action session, Erica Salm Rench, COO of rasa.io, explained how sending AI-powered personalized emails based on each customer will not only increase sales but will also save time and reinvent your content curation game.

rasa.io shared the ESPN Radio and Fidelity Bank case study content where quality, personalized content was delivered at a higher frequency and directly impacted the bottom line.

You’ll leave this session understanding:

  • How personalization is attainable and scalable, regardless of your list size or quality at program launch
  • How AI-powered tools like rasa.io integrate with systems and technologies you already have in place
  • How AI learns customer behaviors and adapts future sends to maintain relevancy

Receive access to Erica's session, as well as the others in the February 2022 AI in Action series.

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