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Why ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter Is a Game-Changer for Marketers

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ChatGPT Plus users just got access to a new feature that’s a game-changer.

It’s called Code Interpreter, and it gives ChatGPT the ability to run code, use uploaded files like spreadsheets and docs, analyze data, and create charts.

Why it matters: Code Interpreter gives anyone with a ChatGPT Plus account ($20/month) access to sophisticated data analysis, leveling the playing field for marketers and business leaders who aren’t data experts or can’t hire data analysts.

Connecting the dots: Don’t be fooled by the name: Code Interpreter is about way more than code. In Episode 54 of the Marketing AI Show, Marketing AI Institute founder/CEO Paul Roetzer broke it down for me.

  • This is ideal for businesses without adequate data analyst support. “It gives data analysis capabilities where you previously probably didn’t have them,” says Roetzer. Roetzer easily ran complex queries about custom datasets in minutes using Code Interpreter.
  • The outputs are high-quality. “It was all accurate,” Roetzer says of Code Interpreter’s outputs. That included having it reformat data, organize data, analyze it, and visualize it.
  • And it doesn’t require hand-holding or special knowledge. What surprised Roetzer was the ease of prompting Code Interpreter. You can give it simple, vague prompts like “Analyze this data for me,” and get useful, valuable outputs.
  • It also fills in your knowledge gaps. Often, we don’t even know what questions to ask about data we have. Roetzer often asked Code Interpreter “What else should I be thinking about?” or “How else should I analyze or visualize this data?” and it produced solid suggestions—some of which he hadn’t thought of himself.
  • Marketers need to pay serious attention to this. “As a marketer, the potential uses of this are massive.” Take any dataset—about churn, growth, audience, etc.—you can upload any document to Code Interpreter and get quality analysis quickly.

How to take action: One thing is clear from our tests with and conversation about Code Interpreter: It’s a no-brainer for marketers and business leaders who aren’t data experts or don’t have the time or budget to do quality data analysis…

So our recommendation is to sign up for ChatGPT Plus at a reasonable $20 per month (which can be canceled at any time). The hours saved and insights gained pay for the subscription cost many times over. Here’s instructions on how to do it.

Don’t get left behind…

You can get ahead of AI-driven disruption—and fast—with our Piloting AI for Marketers course series, a series of 17 on-demand courses designed as a step-by-step learning journey for marketers and business leaders to increase productivity and performance with artificial intelligence.

The course series contains 7+ hours of learning, dozens of AI use cases and vendors, a collection of templates, course quizzes, a final exam, and a Professional Certificate upon completion.

After taking Piloting AI for Marketers, you’ll:

  1. Understand how to advance your career and transform your business with AI.
  2. Have 100+ use cases for AI in marketing—and learn how to identify and prioritize your own use cases.
  3. Discover 70+ AI vendors across different marketing categories that you can begin piloting today.

Learn More About Piloting AI for Marketers

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