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New Podcast Will Feature Conversations with Marketing AI Experts

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Wondering how to get started with AI? Take our on-demand Piloting AI for Marketers Series.

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The Institute is launching The Marketing AI Show, the podcast that helps businesses grow smarter by making artificial intelligence approachable and actionable.

With commentary from the world’s leading voices in marketing AI, the podcast will answer your burning questions about the future of marketing and AI, and give you the inspiration and information you’re looking for to level up your tactics in 2021. 

Music to your ears? It will be. 

We are dropping the first four episodes on January 19 featuring top marketing AI experts including:

  • Episode 1: Mathew Sweezey, Director of Market Strategy, Salesforce
  • Episode 2: Christi Olson, Head of Search Advertising, Microsoft
  • Episode 3: Jeff Coyle, Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer, MarketMuse 
  • Episode 4: David Meerman Scott, international bestselling author and world-renowned keynote speaker

Join me (your show host!) for regular conversations with top authors, entrepreneurs, AI researchers and executives as they share case studies, strategies and technologies that have the power to transform your business, and career.

This is your chance to be at the leading edge of an industry-wide transformation. For more on what to expect, listen to the show's trailer here (or read the full trailer transcript below).



Read the Trailer Transcript

Artificial intelligence is forecasted to have trillions of dollars of impact on businesses and the economy, yet many marketers struggle to understand what it is and how to apply it to their marketing. 

We’re here to change that. 

Welcome to the Marketing AI Show—the podcast that helps your business grow smarter by making AI approachable and actionable. I’m Paul Roetzer, founder of the Marketing AI Institute, and I’m your host. 

We are in a rare position to reinvent what it means to be a marketer. The marketers who are able to pilot and scale AI will unlock new career paths and growth potential. 

Join us as top authors, entrepreneurs, researchers and executives share case studies, strategies and technologies that will enable you to reduce costs and accelerate revenue with AI.

You can sit back and wait for the marketing world to get smarter and change around you, or, you can embrace AI now and be proactive in creating a competitive advantage for yourself and your business. 

The opportunities are endless for marketers with the will and vision to transform the industry. There’s no roadmap for where this is going, so we invite you to help us figure it out, together.

Subscribe to the Marketing AI Show on your favorite podcast app, and visit MarketingAIInstitute.com to learn more. 

Marketing AI Show on Spotify


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