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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Enterprise Decision Making

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Enterprise decision making is about to change.

That’s the key takeaway from David Benigson, CEO at Signal AI, in his talk at the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON) 2021.

In it, Benigson reveals how AI is going to transform how companies make business decisions.

PS - Have you heard about the world’s leading marketing AI conference? Click here to see the incredible programming planned for MAICON 2022.

The biggest roadblock to enterprise decision making is the overwhelming amount of data available to business leaders today, says Benigson.

That’s why it’s so important to use AI to augment enterprise decision making. AI excels at extracting patterns from the noise. Humans are best at asking the right questions of the data, and making the right decisions from it.

He points out that too many enterprise leaders are afraid of AI, or believe it will (or can) replace humans. These are incorrect perspectives. AI actually leaves humans entirely in control, assisting human thinking in exciting ways and enhancing cognitive performance.

This type of augmented intelligence couldn’t be more important in our present moment, says Benigson. Businesses are exposed to more risk than ever in the form of global events like pandemics and climate change.

So what’s a business leader to do about it?

Start exploring how AI can augment the decisions you’re already making. Marketing is a good place to start. AI allows you to tie marketing initiatives and data back to business performance metrics. That helps you actually tie marketing back to business KPIs.

But no matter how much you use AI, remember:

Asking the right questions of the data—and making decisions based on it—is still the top job of human business leaders everywhere.

PS - Have you heard about the world’s leading marketing AI conference? Click here to see the incredible programming planned for MAICON 2022.

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